Upland Copper Project
- 5,300 hectares in south - central British Columbia, Canada
- 100% owned by Kobrea Exploration Corp.
- Bulk - tonnage copper deposit open for expansion
- Road accessible
- 75 north of major city - Kamloops, British Columbia
- 20 km northeast of the town of Barriere
- 20 km south of Taseko Mining’s Yellowhead Deposit
The deposit type of interest on the Upland Copper Project is classified as a remobilized polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit. The Upland property is located within a belt of structurally complex low to mid-grade metamorphic rocks underlain by the Paleozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Eagle Bay Assemblage. Late Devonian granitic orthogneiss locally intrudes Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks. These Paleozoic rocks are cut by mid-Cretaceous granodiorite and quartz monzonite of the Baldy batholith. Early Tertiary quartz feldspar porphyry, basalt and lamprophyre dykes also intrude the area.
The mineralization in the east – centre of the Upland property is generally consistent with the disseminated chalcopyrite and minor bornite of the metamorphically remobilized volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits known to occur elsewhere regionally in the Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks. These areas locally, include massive sulphide pods that have survived metamorphic redistribution and skarn zones in and near limestone bands of the Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks formed during metamorphism by remobilized fluids.
Nearby Copper Deposit Analogues
The Yellowhead deposit, located about 23 kilometres north of the Upland property, within the Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks on the north side of the Baldy Batholith is the deposit most similar to the target mineralization sought at the Upland property. The past drilling at the Upland property and some of the historical trenching have found mineralization consistent with this style of deposit. The past metamorphism in the Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks of the Upland property have left the massive sulphide bands and pods in the Eagle Bay Assemblage rocks metamorphically remobilized and redistributed from the original location of deposition.
Work History
There is a long history of exploration at the Upland property extending from adits and pits developed in the early 1900s, with increasingly systematic exploration commencing in 1965. Historical programs have included multiple soil geochemistry surveys, surface outcrop mapping along with ground magnetics, induced polarization, trenching and several other exploration methods. Historical drilling includes 69 holes totalling over 9,100 metres.
Drill intercepts:
- Drill hole P-70-9: 74 m @ 0.32% Cu (entire hole)
- Drill hole EBL-69-1: 37 m @ 0.30% Cu
Kobrea commissioned an airborne magnetometer survey in the summer of 2022 to outline the favourable unit hosting the known copper mineralization on the property. Interpretation of the magnetic data outlined approximately 7 km of surficial extent of the favourable copper hosting unit which will serve to guide exploration along strike of the historically defined copper mineralized zones.
A LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) survey covering the entire Upland Copper Project was also flown in the summer of 2022. The LiDAR has outlined historical trenches and workings, drill pads, drill access roads and recently constructed logging roads on the Property.
Kobrea intends to use the recently completed airborne surveys in conjunction with all compiled historical data to expand the known copper mineralization to depth and along strike within the favourable host unit in 2024.